76-Unit Hunter's Pond Apartments Acquired


Hunter's Pond Elkhart, Indiana

Acquisition Overview

Another great acquisition by, Cor3 Capital, Hunter's Pond in located in Elkhart, Indiana less than five minutes away from Woodwind Apartments.

Like Woodwind Apartments, Hunter's Pond is 15 minutes east of Notre Dame University and benefits equally from the growing economy, strong employment, and high wages as a result of the high-tech and manufacturing jobs.

The reasons we liked this deal was the following: 

  • Great physical condition so minimal demand for interior or exterior renovation
  • The lack of professional property management leaves an opening for us to provide turnkey and low-cost value-add opportunity
  • By owning Woodwind Apartments next door, we are able to leverage economies of scale in property management and any additional resource requirements.

To learn more about Hunter's Pond visit the website below: 


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