95-Unit Woodwind Apartments Acquired


Woodwind Apartments | Elkhart, Indiana

Acquisition Overview

The Cor3 Capital team is excited to announce our recent acquisition of Woodwind Apartments, a 95-unit multifamily property located in Elkhart, Indiana.

This property is a great example of what Cor3 Capital is looking for in under-valued multi-family real estate in secondary and tertiary markets. Nestled 15 minutes east of Notre Dame University and surrounded by high-tech and manufacturing, this property is in the center of a growing community that has great employment and strong wages.

Due to our effective identification and execution process, Chief Acquisition Officer, Ali Hasan, had this property under contract before a third offer had made it to the table.

During our initial assessments we learned that there had been a lack of professional property management for years. As a result, there were physical value-add opportunities both in-unit and around the exterior. We intend to improve operations with professional property management, as well as, invest in physical enhancements to the property. By improving the property we will improve the quality of life for our tenants and therefore, be able to create value for investors by increasing the rents.

Overall, Woodwind Apartments has been under-managed the last few years and is a perfect fit for the Cor3 Capital acquisition strategy.

To learn more about Woodwind Apartments visit the website below: 


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